Time | Session | Access Link |
9:30 AM | Summit Welcome
Martin Torres |
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9:45 AM | IWERC Learning Renewal Overview
Dr. Meg Bates Dr. Mariana Barragian Torres |
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11:00 AM | Break | |
11:15 AM | Select a breakout session below: | |
Option #1 | Postsecondary Transition Panel
Jacqueline Moreno, Illinois Student Assistance Commission Student needs shifted during the remote learning period and so did the way institutions interact with their students. Hear from three different institutions on their approach to meeting changing student needs and how postsecondary transitions have evolved over the past four years. |
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Option #2 | Chronic Absenteeism Panel
Derreck Langwith, Illinois State Board of Education Remote learning posed significant challenges to student engagement and attendance. Chronic absenteeism remains a barrier to successful learning renewal. In this session, we will learn about the partnership between the Peoria Regional Office of Education and Peoria Public Schools and their efforts to engage families and bring students back to the classroom. |
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12:00 PM | Lunch Break | |
1:00 PM | Select a breakout session below: | |
Option #1 | Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Panel
Julia Strehlow, Illinois State Board of Education Caring for the social-emotional needs of students and staff was a priority statewide and across the P-20 spectrum. In this session, we will learn about two statewide K-12 programs—Resilience Education to Advance Community Healing (REACH) and the regional SEL hubs—and hear from one community college on the unique approach they took to meeting the needs of their community. |
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Option #2 | Academic Interventions Panel
Dr. Jason Helfer, Illinois State Board of Education In this session, learn about the variety of state and local approaches taken to facilitate learning recovery, including tutoring, summer and after-school programming, and kindergarten transition support. |
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Option #3 | Attracting and Retaining High Quality Educators Panel
Dr. Erica Thieman, Illinois State Board of Education The P-20 Council has prioritized closing leaks in the educator pipeline. In this session, hear from several school districts on how they are leveraging their Teacher Vacancy Grant funding to attract and retain quality educators, and the lessons learned in developing their unique approaches. |
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2:00 PM | Moving Forward Together
Panel Moderator: Robin Steans Panel Members: Dr. Tony Sanders Dr. Brian Durham Ginger Ostro Eric Zarnikow |
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2024 Learning Renewal SummitBrittany Boston2024-06-05T14:44:03+00:00